Brendan Dawes
Biographie de Brendan Dawes
Brendan Dawes is Creative Director of the interactive design group magneticNorth, based in Manchester, UK. His clients include the Walt Disney Co., the BBC, Kellogg's, and Coca-Cola. Dawes' work has been featured in numerous journals, including idN, Creative Review, MacUser, Computer Arts, Create, The Guardian, and Communications Arts. He was also featured in New Masters of Flash and other books, and is the author of Flash ActionScript for Designers: Dra,g Slide, Fade. Dawes spends much of the year speaking at conferences around the world, including the HOW Design Conference and Flashforward .
Livres de Brendan Dawes
Auteur : Brendan Dawes
Éditeur : New Riders
Date de parution : 29/09/2006
Auteur : Brendan Dawes
Éditeur : New Riders
Date de parution : 13/11/2001
Auteurs : Sham Bhangal, Brendan Dawes, Paddock Rob
Éditeur : Friendsof ED
Date de parution : 01/03/2001
Auteurs : Eric Jordan, Manuel Clement, Brendan Dawes, Tony Ke, Irene Chan
Éditeur : Friendsof ED
Date de parution : 01/02/2001