Christian Heilmann
Biographie de Christian Heilmann
Christian Heilmann was born in Germany, survived dot-com crashes in the States, and currently works as a lead web developer in London. His vision is of a web so easy to use that you won't realize how helpful it is-regardless of your physical or mental abilities.
Livres de Christian Heilmann
Auteur : Christian Heilmann
Éditeur : Apress
Date de parution : 15/07/2006
Auteurs : Jim Thatcher, Michael R. Burks, Christian Heilmann, Shawn Lawton Henry, Andrew Kirkpatrick, Patrick H. Lauke, Bruce Lawson, Bob Regan, Richard Rutter, Mark D. Urban, Cynthia D. Waddell
Éditeur : Friendsof ED
Date de parution : 26/04/2006