Daniel Solin
Biographie de Daniel Solin
is a Linux programmer/consultant and technical writer.
He has been using the Qt library from its early stages and
has developed various graphical solutions with it. Daniel
is also a C/C++ expert and has been teaching these
languages for a number of years. Additionally, he is
fanatic for the Slackware distribution of Linux and was a
contributing author on Slackware Linux? Unleashed.
Livres de Daniel Solin
Auteurs : James Fuller, Harry Fuecks, Ken Egervari, Bryan Waters, Daniel Solin, Jon Stephens, Lee Reynolds
Éditeur : Wrox Press
Date de parution : 15/05/2003
Auteur : Daniel Solin
Éditeur : Sams
Date de parution : 10/05/2000