David Whitehouse
Biographie de David Whitehouse
Professor David Whitehouse has spent 20 years in industry and 20 years in academia. He was Chief Research Engineer at Taylor Hobson and is now Chief Research Scientist and Chair of Engineering Science at Warwick University School of Engineering. His specialism has been the application of scientific research to surface finish and its measurement - a fast developing field in which he has become a world authority. He has published over 180 papers, 22 patents and 4 books including the definitive Handbook of Surface Metrology (Institute of Physics, 1994).
Livres de David Whitehouse
Auteur : David Whitehouse
Éditeur : Dunod
Date de parution : 08/10/2008
Expédié sous 9 jours
24,00 €
Auteurs : Richard Hodges, David Whitehouse
Éditeur : Lethielleux
Date de parution : 15/05/2001
Expédié sous 9 jours
48,00 €
Auteur : David Whitehouse
Éditeur : Wiley
Date de parution : 03/12/2004
Auteur : David Whitehouse
Éditeur : Kogan Page
Date de parution : 30/09/2004
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