Jay Greenspan
Biographie de Jay Greenspan
Jay Greenspan (San Francisco, CA) is a writer and most recently a producer of Wired Digital's Webmonkey. He has written on PHP, ASP, and XML, and has spoken at various conferences. A Forrester's Research report listed him as a “thought leader” in the XML community. Prior to joining Webmonkey, Jay was a technical consultant, developing LANs and database-driven applications for small businesses.
Livres de Jay Greenspan
Auteurs : Brad Bulger, Jay Greenspan, David Wall
Éditeur : Wiley
Date de parution : 06/11/2003
Auteur : Jay Greenspan
Éditeur : Eyrolles
Date de parution : 26/08/2002
Indisponible définitivement
Auteurs : Jay Greenspan, Brad Bulger
Éditeur : IDG
Date de parution : 01/01/2001