Mark Ridgeway
Biographie de Mark Ridgeway
Mark Ridgeway is Head of Information Technology at a large secondary college in Central Victoria, Australia, where he runs a computer network and teaches young minds to take nothing for granted. In addition to his teaching, he has written a number of articles and tutorials on developing for the Mobile Internet. Mark enjoys gardening, wine, and playing soccer with his son (not necessarily in that order). He lives just outside Kyneton with his wife, Marian, son Tyler, two dogs, and a cow.
Livres de Mark Ridgeway
Auteurs : Evangelos Petroutsos, Mark Ridgeway
Éditeur : Sybex
Date de parution : 27/01/2003
Auteur : Mark Ridgeway
Éditeur : Sybex
Date de parution : 14/02/2002