Ray Rankins
Biographie de Ray Rankins
Ray Rankins is owner and president of Gotham Consulting Services, Inc. Ray has more than 15 years of database experience and has been working with Microsoft SQL Server from its beginning. Ray is a popular instructor and speaker at database conferences. He has also authored a number of database-related courses and was co-author of SQL Server 6.5 Unleashed.
Livres de Ray Rankins
Auteurs : Ray Rankins, Paul Bertucci, Paul Jensen
Éditeur : Sams
Date de parution : 22/01/2003
Auteurs : Ray Rankins, Paul Jensen, Paul Bertucci
Éditeur : Sams
Date de parution : 15/09/2000
Auteurs : Ray Rankins, Jeffrey R. Garbus, David Solomon, Bennett W. McEwan
Éditeur : Sams
Date de parution : 25/04/1996