Shishir Gundavaram
Biographie de Shishir Gundavaram
(pronounced she-sheer goon-da-vaar-um) is what he likes to call a "scholar-athlete." On the athletic side, he plays tennis and basketball, but his true passion is running. He started out as a long distance runner, but after numerous injuries became a sprinter.
On the scholarly side, Shishir graduated from Boston
University with a B.S. in biomedical engineering in May of
1995. For his undergraduate thesis, he developed a Windows
application for the Motor Unit Lab of the NeuroMuscular
Research Center that allowed researchers to acquire and
analyze muscle force output from
patients to indirectly observe the electrical activity of
muscles. He currently works for Viable Internet Solutions,
Inc. (VISO) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, developing
applications and tools involving Internet Commerce.
Livres de Shishir Gundavaram
Auteurs : Shishir Gundavaram, Deepak Thomas, Kapil Sharma, Pancrazio De Mauro, Mark Mamone, Simon Whiting, Sandip Bhattacharya
Éditeur : Wrox Press
Date de parution : 19/07/2004
Auteurs : Shishir Gundavaram, Scott Guelich
Éditeur : O'Reilly
Date de parution : 22/07/2000
Auteur : Shishir Gundavaram
Éditeur : O'Reilly
Date de parution : 01/01/1997