Stephen B. Maurer
Biographie de Stephen B. Maurer
Stephen Maurer (B.A. Swarthmore 1967, Ph.D. Princeton 1972) is a Professor of Mathematics at Swarthmore College, where he has taught since 1979. He has also taught at the Phillips Exeter Academy, the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Princeton, Hampshire College (in their summer mathematics program for able secondary school students), and Math-Path (a national summer program for advanced middle school kids). During 2000-2003, he was Associate Provost for Information Technology at Swarthmore. His research has been in combinatorics, with forays (sometimes continuous) into mathematical biology, economics and anthropology.
Professor Maurer won the Allendoerfer expository writing award of the Mathematical Association of America for his article "The King Chicken Theorems". He has written and spoken widely on discrete mathematics and has been involved as well in the calculus reform effort. Currently he is a consultant to the Core Plus Program, one of the national high school reform curricula funded by NSF. During 1982-1984, Professor Maurer was a Program Officer at the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, working primarily on quantitative education.
At one time or another, Maurer has been a good squash player, able to guess people's zip code to within plus or minus 5, president of the local nursery school, and president of the local swim club. His continuing hobbies include gardening, cycling, old movies, trains, dealing with two teenage sons, and badgering people with email.
Livres de Stephen B. Maurer
Auteurs : Stephen B. Maurer, Anthony Ralston
Éditeur : AK Peters
Date de parution : 15/02/2005