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Green City Spaces
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Green City Spaces

Green City Spaces

Urban Landscape Architecture

Chris van Uffelen

270 pages, parution le 29/08/2013


Increasingly, a major focus of land use planning is on greening the cities. Public gardens, greened façades, city parks, and green public squares have considerably gained in prominence in recent years.

They have distinct social, ecological, and economic functions in addition to the importance to the structure and appearance of urban spaces. Green areas in the city serve as leisure and communication areas, while having a positive effect on the microclimate by offering a habitat for flora and fauna; What is more, they are an increasingly important factor in the evaluation of real estate locations.

Green City Spaces shows the different trends of this discipline at the intersectionof landscape architecture and urban planning. Particularly fascinating in this context is the interplay between international trends, regional traditions as well as the climatic and other on-site realities of each city. This volume presents more than 80 projects in detail, highlighting the multitude of possibilities of green spaces planning thaht make life in the city more worth living.

L'auteur - Chris van Uffelen

Historien de l'art, Chris van Uffelen est un auteur indépendant. Il s'intéresse en particulier à l'architecture médiévale, au modernisme classique et à l'art des bâtisseurs de notre époque. Il a rédigé de nombreux articles de revues et plusieurs livres sur ce dernier thème. Par ailleurs, il a contribué à maintes reprises à des encyclopédies d'histoire de l'art et d'architecture.

Autres livres de Chris van Uffelen


  • Gardens by the way
  • Sensational Garden
  • Whatami
  • Tree Trolley
  • Sungang Central Plaza
  • ...
Voir tout

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Braun
Auteur(s) Chris van Uffelen
Parution 29/08/2013
Nb. de pages 270
Format 23 x 30
Couverture Relié
Poids 1844g
Intérieur Quadri
EAN13 9783037681428
ISBN13 978-3-03768-142-8


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