Sorting out the Linux hype from real world needs can be a
daunting task.
The Linux Bible gives you what you
need to determine the right Linux product path in the
popular and comprehensive Bible style.
LINUX is a sleek, fast, easy-to-use operating system
similar to UNIX but without the fuss, bother, and
complexity. The Linux Bible covers everything from
getting started to using Linux, using shells and job
control, to using the editors, filters, and advanced
commands. This comprehensive book also includes system
administrator coverage of installation of Linux, the
applications, managing devices, file systems, backup and
restoration of files and configuring DNS, NFS, and NIS and
Plus, you get include 2 CDs chock full of helpful
applications and tools that support the most popular Linux
operating systems. The CDs also include lots of published
"how to" Linux documents, the publishers edition of Red Hat
Linux, and more.
Preface vii
Acknowledgments xiii
Part I: Getting Started with Linux 1
Chapter 1: What Is Linux?
Some Basic Linux Factoids 3
Why is Linux Important? 4
Is Linux UNIX? 4
Is Linux Free? 4
What does Linux "free"dom really mean? 5
If Linux is free, why do some people charge for it?
Where Can I Get a Linux Distribution?
Who Uses Linux? And for What? 7
What Computers does Linux Run on?
What Software Runs on Linux? Is it
Free Too? 8
Chapter 2: Getting Ready to Install Linux
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
Where can you get Linux? 9
What kind of installation do you need? 11
What other operating systems need to co-exist with
Linux? 11
Getting to Know your Hardware 12
Chapter 3: Installing Linux 19
Understanding Installation
Requirements 20
Partitioning your Hard Disk 21
Beginning the Installation 22
Creating a Boot Disk 22
Configuring a Loader 30
Chapter 4: Inside Linux 41
Inside the Linux Kernel 41
Understanding multitasking -- A new concept
for MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows users 42
Understanding device drivers 43
Understanding Linux process concepts 43
Jobs and processes -- parents and children 44
Understanding virtual-memory management 46
Understanding filesystems 48
Understanding Networking Features
Connecting with TCP/IP 50
Connecting with other network protocols 50
Delving into Daemons 50
Understanding Shells 51
What is a shell script? 52
What shells are out there? 52
Researching RPC (Remote Procedure
Call) for IPC
(Interprocess Communication) 53
Part II: Getting Started
Linux System Administration 55
Chapter 5: Linux System Management Responsibilities
Oh, the Responsibility! 58
It's Super to be Root 58
Getting Started with System Management
Configuring the help system and man pages 58
Booting (starting up) and shutting down the computer
Working with hardware devices 59
Installing (and uninstalling) software 59
Backing up and restoring directories and files
Configuring and managing user accounts 60
Managing printers and printing 60
Configuring and Managing Your Linux
System in a Network 61
Configuring network hardware 61
Setting up your computer to connect to a TCP/IP
network 61
Configuring other TCP/IP services 61
Advancing your System Administration
Skills 62
Automating tasks 62
Rebuilding the kernel 62
Protecting a Linux system 62
Monitoring and tuning Linux system performance
Chapter 6: Managing Startup and Shutdown 65
Understanding the Boot Process
Understanding run levels 66
Investigating init 67
Understanding Shutdown Options
Shutting down and halting (going to run level 0)
Shutting down and immediately rebooting (going to run
level 6) 70
Shutting down to single-user mode (going to run level
1) 71
Troubleshooting 72
Chapter 7: Installing Software Packages 73
Using Red Hat Package Manager (RPM)
Using tar 74
What is a package? 78
What is RPM? 78
Using RPM in command mode -- basic operations 78
Using RPM in graphical mode -- basic operations
Using RPM on Non-Red Hat Linux
Distributions 86
RPM on Caldera OpenLinux 86
Using RPM on SuSE OpenLinux 87
Chapter 8: Managing Devices 89
Understanding Device Special Files
Linux devices for Windows, DOS, and OS/2 users
How do you create a device special file? 91
Categorizing Device Special Files
Character special files 92
Block special files 92
Named pipes 93
Inspecting the /dev directory 93
Managing Serial Devices 94
Getting started with "dumb" terminals 97
Logging in from the network 102
Getting started with modems 103
Input devices 106
Configuring your keyboard 107
Configuring pointing devices and mice 111
Configuring Parallel Port Devices
Leaving the Memory Device Special File
Alone 113
Working with Tape Devices 113
Adding New Hardware 114
Exploring New Device Features in the
2.4 Kernel 115
Chapter 9: Managing Disk Devices 117
Introducing Hard Disk Concepts
Understanding physical versus logical disks 118
Looking inside a hard disk 118
Where are the partitions? 120
Creating Many out of One -- The
Partition Story 121
Creating Many out of Many --
Partitioning Partitions 122
Understanding Partition Naming
Conventions 124
Repartitioning for Linux 124
Why repartition? 125
How to repartition 126
Floppy Disks 131
CD-ROMs 132
Chapter 10: Managing Filesystems and Swap Space 135
Creating Filesystems 135
Getting started 136
Planning your filesystems 137
Mounting Filesystems Automatically
Mounting local filesystems automatically 144
Using /mnt for temporary mounts 145
Repairing Corrupted Filesystems after
Power Failures
or Hardware Problems 146
Mounting Non-Native Filesystems
Working in the Standalone Shell (sash)
Configuring and Assigning Disk Quotas
Checking the kernel for quota support 149
Checking that you have the quota packages 150
Configuring the filesystem for quotas 150
Managing disk quotas 151
Setting up automatic quota checking at boot time
When is a filesystem not a filesystem? 154
Configuring Swap Partitions 156
Sizing swap space 156
Where should you put swap space? 158
New Filesystem Features in the 2.4
Kernel 158
Chapter 11: Backing Up and Restoring Filesystems 159
Backup Terminology 159
Devising a Backup Strategy 160
Using cpio (Copy-In/Out) 161
Creating a cpio archive (copy-out mode) 161
Extracting files from a cpio archive (copy-in mode)
Copying directory trees (passthrough mode) 162
Using tar (tape archiver) 164
Using dump and restore 166
Using dump 166
Restoring filesystems, directories, and files
Scheduling dump levels 174
Using Commercial Backup Solutions
Chapter 12: Configuring and Managing User Accounts
Managing Accounts 179
Adding new user accounts 180
Modifying existing user accounts 185
Disabling and deleting user accounts 185
Chapter 13: Managing Printers and Printing 187
What Printers Work with Linux?
Printing with Linux 188
Understanding the terminology 189
What happens when someone prints 189
Configuring the Linux Print System
Confirming that the kernel supports printing 191
Getting the printer driver 191
Connecting and testing the printer hardware 192
Setting up printer-control software 193
Starting the printer daemon (lpd) 195
Setting up the printcap file 195
Finishing touches 198
Using Printing Commands 198
Printing files 198
Checking the status of your print jobs 200
Using the lpc command to manage print services
Removing jobs from the print queue 203
Using a GUI Tool to Set up Printing
Using Caldera Open Linux's COAS printer configuration
Using Red Hat Linux's printtool 209
Remote Printing to Another Linux (or
UNIX) Computer 209
Remote Printing to Non-Linux Printers
Printing to printers attached to computers
running Microsoft operating systems 210
What to Do if Something Goes Wrong
Part III: Using Linux 215
Chapter 14: Logging in and Starting to Use Linux
Deciding on a UI (User Interface)
Do you do windows? 217
GNOME and external window managers 218
Why would you do anything but windows? 219
Getting Started 220
Logging in 220
Changing your password 222
Logging out 223
Getting Online Help 224
Using the man pages to get online help 224
Using your GUI's help facility 225
Getting to Know GNOME 227
Understanding GNOME Basics 228
Using the main menu 228
Running applications 228
Customizing Your Environment 229
Using Control Center capplets 229
Creating launchers on the desktop 231
Moving panels 232
Adding a new panel to your desktop 232
Adding applications and applets to panels 232
Adding menus to panels 233
Grouping applications into drawers 234
Chapter 15: Working with Files and Directories 237
Getting Started with Linux Directory
Concepts 237
A Quick Tour of a Linux Directory Tree
Using full pathnames 239
Moving around in the directory tree 239
Finding out where you are in the directory tree
Listing Files and Directories
Using wildcards in file and directory names 241
Getting more information from ls 242
Getting clues from ls -l listings 243
Finding files 244
Figuring Out What's in a File
Displaying the Contents of Files
Managing your Personal Files and
Directories 245
Sharing and protecting your files and directories
Deciphering permission lists 248
Getting octal with umask -- why bother? 250
Are you a disk hog? 252
Chapter 16: Using an Editor 255
Choosing an Editor 255
Understanding vi Modes 255
Understanding ex-mode concepts 256
A Quick Tour of vi 256
Starting vi and creating a new text file 257
Exiting vi 258
Modifying an existing file 259
Chapter 17: Getting to Know bash 265
Using Nifty bash Features 266
Getting bash help 266
Letting bash complete file names and command names
Stringing commands together 268
Taking advantage of command history and recall
Redirecting input and output 270
Piping one command into the next 271
Understanding Variables 273
Using built-in shell variables 273
Defining your own local variables 274
Using environment variables 275
Creating Shortcuts and New Commands
with Aliases 282
Customizing Your Environment with
Initialization Scripts 283
When do initialization scripts execute? 284
What should go in initialization scripts? 285
Taking Advantage of Multitasking to
Control Your Jobs 286
Understanding multitasking terminology 287
Moving between the foreground and background 288
Chapter 18: Shell Scripts 291
Understanding the Advantages of Shell
Scripts 291
Saving time and typing 292
Saving even more time and typing 292
Sharing your time savings with other users 292
Writing and Executing Your First bash
Script 293
Writing your first script 294
Running your first script 295
bash Syntax Rules and Quirks 296
Using metacharacters 297
Getting the white space right 300
Adding Functionality to Your Scripts
Prompting users for input 301
Reading input from a file 302
Using variables in scripts 302
Passing positional parameters on the command line to
scripts 302
Testing for success (or failure) 304
Testing for everything 307
Comparing Values and Basing Actions on
Conditions 308
Using the simplest if statement 308
Evaluating more complex if statements 310
Using "if" to test for success or failure 311
Using Flow Control to Follow Different
Logic Paths 312
Using for loops to repeat actions 312
Repeating actions while a specified condition exists
Repeating actions until a specified condition exists
Using the case statement to evaluate multiple choices
Chapter 19: Discovering Filters 317
Using wc to Check More than the Number
of Words 317
Using input and output files with wc 318
Using wc options 318
Getting Acquainted with sort 318
sort factoids 319
sort tips 319
Sorting by columns 321
Searching with the greps 324
Searching with regular expressions 325
Tips for "egrep-ing" with regular expressions
Tips for formatting "egrep-ed" output -- Using filters
within a filter 327
Using awk 327
Getting started with gawk 328
Invoking gawk 328
Writing your first gawk program -- Hello World
Using BEGIN and END 330
Using expressions and variables with gawk 331
Generating simple reports with patterns only 334
Defining a variable in a gawk program 336
Gawk summary 337
Streaming Through Files with sed
How does sed work? 338
Stepping through some simple sed examples 338
Part IV: Configuring and Managing
TCP/IP Networking 341
Chapter 20: Configuring the Network 343
Introducing TCP/IP 343
Transmitting data across the network 344
IP Address Assignments 345
Networking in Linux 347
Configuring the network card 348
Configuring an internal network 349
Connecting to the Internet 351
Where do IP addresses come from? 351
Network mask and subnetting 353
Configuring a router 355
Configuring a point-to-point (PPP) connection
Connecting an internal network to the Internet (IP
masquerading) 362
Connecting to a "foreign" network 363
Chapter 21: Configuring the Domain Name System (DNS)
What is Name Address Resolution?
Why Not Just Use the hosts File?
Installing the Software 368
Types of domain servers 369
File Configuration 371
Zone files 374
Types of resource records 374
Caching server 377
DNS Tools 381
Chapter 22: Configuring the Network File System (NFS)
Installing the Software 387
NFS Configuration Options 388
Configuring a server 388
The NFS daemons 389
Exporting filesystems 389
Configuring the NFS Client 391
Mounting NFS filesystems 392
Mount command options 393
Unmounting the filesystem 393
NFS Security 393
Server security 393
The portmapper 394
Client security 395
Chapter 23: Configuring Network Information Services
(NIS) 397
The Difference between NIS and NFS
Configuring NIS Domains 398
Checking for NIS Programs 399
Configuring the NIS Master Server
Configuring the NIS Slave Server
Configuring the NIS Client 402
Modify the passwd and group Files for
Use with NIS 403
Chapter 24: Configuring E-mail and Other Communication
Services 405
E-mail from Start to Finish 405
Following the Mail Trail across the
Internet 406
Starting at the beginning -- Composing the message
with an MUA 407
Crossing the Internet with MTAs 407
LDAs and mailboxes 408
Back to the beginning -- Using an MUA 408
Notifiers on the side 409
More about MTAs 409
Comparing E-mail Cases 409
One user 409
SOHO (Small Office, Home Office) 410
Medium organization without a dedicated mail server
Medium organization with a dedicated mail server
Deciding on How to Serve E-mail
Understanding How the Protocols Fit
into the Mail Trail 411
Understanding SMTP 411
Adding MIME to SMTP 412
Understanding POP3 -- the Post Office Protocol version
3 413
Understanding IMAP4 -- The Internet Message
Access Protocol, version 4 413
How routing facilitates travel on the mail trail
Configuring the Server Side 415
Configuring sendmail 415
Understanding and managing the mail queue 417
Configuring POP3 419
Configuring IMAP4 419
Setting up aliases to make life easier 420
Other files and commands that work with sendmail
Configuring the E-mail Client Side
Introducing Netscape Messenger 422
Configuring Netscape Messenger 423
Using Netscape Messenger 425
Tips for Securing your E-mail System
Protect against eavesdropping 428
Use encryption 428
Protect your intranet or personal desktop computer
with a firewall 428
Don't get bombed, spammed, or spoofed 428
Be careful with SMTP 429
The News about News 430
Activating the NNTP Server 431
Reading the Newsgroups in pine
Configuring Netscape for News
Chapter 25: Configuring an FTP Server 435
Obtaining and Installing the Software
Understanding Anonymous FTP 438
Understanding FTP Directory Locations
Understanding Access Control 439
Understanding the FTP Client 441
Chapter 26: Configuring a Web Server 445
The Apache Web Server 445
Obtaining and Installing the Software
Configuration files 447
Configuration directives 447
Server configuration 453
Add-on modules and virtual hosts 455
Web-Server Configuration 455
Multiple instances of the Web server on the same
computer 456
Multiple IP addresses 456
Multiple names for one IP address 457
Server Security 458
Host-based security 458
User-based security 458
Secure Socket Layers (SSL) 460
Part V: Advanced System Administration and
Network Administration 463
Chapter 27: Automating Tasks 465
Using at or batch to Schedule
Infrequent Tasks 465
batch factoids 466
at factoids 466
Administering at and batch 468
Using the cron System to Schedule
Routine Tasks 469
cron factoids 469
Creating and submitting personal crontab entries
How the cron system works 472
Administering the cron system 472
Chapter 28: Rebuilding the Kernel
Kernel Building Overview 476
Understanding terminology 476
Before you start 477
Unzipping (decompressing) the kernel source files
Extracting the kernel source files from the tar
archive 484
Examining the source tree 485
Configuring and Building a New Kernel
Understanding kernel configuration options 487
Using the command line to configure the kernel
More ways to configure the kernel 493
Compiling the kernel 495
Causing the new kernel to take effect 496
Compiling and installing loadable modules 498
Chapter 29: Securing a Linux System
Understanding Security Terminology --
What's the Worst that Can Happen? 499
Hackers or crackers? Hacking or cracking? 500
Password cracking 500
What is spoofing? 501
What is a virus? 501
What is a worm? 501
What is a Trojan horse? 501
What is a denial of service attack (DoS)? 503
Devising a Security Strategy 503
Security policies and procedures 503
Physical security 504
Password security 504
Filesystem security 504
Network security 505
Securing your Physical Environment
Protecting the BIOS (Basic Input Output System)
Securing Linux at the boot-loader level 507
Using display locks 508
Implementing Password Security
Assigning and changing user passwords 511
Using password and group shadow files 512
Shadowing and unshadowing passwords 513
Password aging -- it happens to everyone 514
Shadowing groups 516
Checking passwords 518
su-ing to the root Account 519
Logging su 521
The rest of the story 522
Checking Filesystem Security 522
Checking file permissions 522
Finding suspicious files 523
Checking SUID and SGID settings 523
Setting system-wide default permissions with umask
Guarding Privacy 524
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) 526
Introducing GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard) 526
Getting GnuPG 528
Configuring GnuPG 528
Working with keys 529
Setting permission on key files 534
Getting information about keys 535
Using keys to encrypt data and messages 537
Signing messages and data 538
Securing root Access from Terminals
Securing Root Access across a Network
Securing Remote Access Utilities
Why use ssh (secure shell)? 540
Finding running network services and open sockets
Disabling unnecessary network services 543
Using tcp wrappers 546
Using Security Programs and Tools to
Protect your System and Network 547
PortSentry 547
Protecting your Intranet behind a
Firewall 549
How a firewall works 549
The filtering firewall 550
Adaptive firewall technology 550
The proxy server model 551
Network-management considerations for setting up a
firewall 551
Configuring a firewall 552
Diagnosing Break-in Attempts 553
Checking files and permissions for risky or suspicious
properties 553
Analyzing log files for security-related events
Analyzing log files 559
Controlling and Repairing Damage after
a Break-in 561
Close the breach 561
Back up the compromised system(s) 565
Analyze the intrusion 565
Reporting the intrusion to CERT 565
Recovering from the intrusion 566
Keeping up to Date on Viruses,
Vaccines, and Security Alerts and Fixes 567
Chapter 30: Shell Scripting for System
Administrators 569
The First System Admin Script
Looking at a simple rc.local initialization file
Adding complexity to rc.local 572
Scripting Tips and Techniques from
rc.local 574
Tip 1. Always check that files exist before you access
them. 574
Tip 2. Store the results of a command in a variable
for later use. 575
Tip 3. In a multi-architecture environment, write
single script that works for all architectures. 576
Further hardware checking 578
Tip 4. Add pre-login security measures to rc.local.
Debugging Your Scripts 580
Keeping Users Informed 581
Implementing a Simple Menu 584
Using Functions 585
Writing a simple function to check disk-space usage
Using a function to test user input 587
Chapter 31: Introduction to Perl Programming
for System Administrators 589
What is Perl? 589
Why use Perl? 589
Your First Perl Program 590
Understanding the primary Perl syntax rules 591
Running your first program 591
Playing with the print Statement
Using Scalar Variables to Hold Values
Prompting for Input 597
Performing calculations on user input variables
Using array variables 601
Working with Files 602
Reading and Writing Files 604
Reading files 604
Writing to files 607
Handling a file open error 608
Writing Loops and Conditionals
Writing a while loop 608
Writing a for loop 610
Writing a foreach loop 611
Writing if tests 612
Writing unless tests 617
Introducing Perl Functions 617
Formatting Reports 619
Chapter 32: Monitoring and Optimizing
Linux Performance 623
Using a Performance Methodology
What is a methodology? 623
Why use a methodology? 624
Understanding the Terminology
Collecting System Information
Identifying your hardware 625
Identifying software and understanding what users are
doing 629
Collecting system information 632
Login accounting 632
Monitoring Performance and Creating a
Baseline 636
Getting baseline data 637
Finding bottlenecks 637
Using Monitoring Tools 639
Using vmstat to see an overview of your computer's
performance 639
Using top to see an overview of system resource
utilization 640
top tips 642
Using a graphical top 643
Improving Disk I/O Performance
Monitoring performance with shareware (Bonnie)
Is IDE performance sufficient? 646
Using hardware RAID to improve disk I/O 647
Fight fragmentation 648
Improve memory performance 648
Improving CPU Performance 648
Improving Memory Performance 650
Determining memory requirements 650
Reduce swapping 651
Spread swap-file activity across hard disks 651
More swapping tips 651
Using hardware to improve memory speed 652
Other Performance Tips 652
Optimize the X Window System and hardware 652
Know where to go for help 653
Chapter 33: Monitoring and Optimizing Network
Performance 655
Is your Local Host a Server? What Kind
of Server? 656
What's a file server? 656
What's a mail server? 656
What's a Web server? 656
What's a compute server? 657
Using Tools to Find the Bottleneck
Using ping 658
Using ifconfig to display and modify
network-card settings 658
Looking for problems and events in system log files
Using the /proc filesystem to find network-device
information 660
Using netstat to monitor network connections 661
Using nfsstat to find NFS performance problems
Finding and Fixing Network and Server
Bottlenecks 666
Collision advice 666
Where's the bottleneck on file servers? 667
Where's the bottleneck on mail servers? 667
Where's the bottleneck on Web servers? 668
Chapter 34: Integrating Linux
into Heterogeneous Networks 671
Sharing Linux Filesystems with MS
Windows 95, 98, 2000, and NT 671
Installing Samba 671
Configuring the Samba server 673
The smb.conf file 673
Using SWAT 676
Samba client configuration 684
Using a Windows Printer from the Linux
Computer 690
Why use Samba Instead of NFS?
Part VI: Appendixes 695
Apppendix A: About the CD-ROM
System Requirements 697
What You'll Find 697
Red Hat Linux 7.1 Publisher's Edition 697
Links to Linux HOWTOs and NHFs 697
Sample code from the programming chapters 698
Security tools and information 698
Tools and utilities 698
Appendix B: The Linux Directory
Structure 701
The Root Filesystem (/) 701
The /usr Filesystem 702
The /var Filesystem 703
The /home Filesystem 704
The /proc Filesystem 704
Appendix C: Internet Resources for
Linux 705
Who Hosts the Web Sites 705
Getting Linux Information from
Operating-System Vendors 706
Getting Linux Information from the
".orgs" 707
Getting Linux Information from the
".coms" 708
Appendix D: Advanced Commands Glossary
Getting help 711
Working in the user Environment
Managing Files/Directories 714
Working with files 717
Text processing 718
Printing 719
Archiving 719
Controlling processes 719
Managing filesystems and swap
Monitoring the System 720
Handle with Care 720
Glossary 721
Index 729
GNU General Public License 776
End-User License Agreement 782
CD-ROM Installation Instructions 785
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