Windows 2000 TCP/IP Black Book
An Essential Guide To Enhanced TCP/IP in Microsoft Windows 2000
Introduction XXV
Chapter 1
Overview 1
In Depth
A History of TCP/IP 2
Microsoft’s NT Implementation 3
The Windows 2000 TCP/IP Implementation 12
The TCP/IP Architectural Model 19
Supported RFCs 20
Immediate Solutions
Configuring TCP/IP 24
Configuring TCP/IP for a Local Area Connection 24
Configuring TCP/IP for Non-Local Area Connections 28
Configuring TCP/IP Automatically 29
Displaying the TCP/IP Configuration 30
Installing TCP/IP Services 30
Configuring a DHCP Scope 31
Viewing and Administering the WINS Database 34
Configuring and Administering DNS 35
Enabling DNS to Use WINS Resolution 36
Configuring DNS to Allow Dynamic Updates 37
Configuring a Dial-in Host 38
Chapter 2
The Network Driver Interface Specification 41
In Depth
The NDIS Interface 42
NDIS Releases 43
NDIS5 Functionality 45
Data-Link Layer Functionality 58
The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) 60
Immediate Solutions
Installing Network Protocols 61
Configuring Bindings 61
Configuring Power Saving 63
Using the Windows 2000 Driver Development Kit 64
Installing the Driver Development Kit 65
Building Drivers 67
Verifying Drivers 70
Debugging Drivers 74
Chapter 3
Address Resolution Protocol 79
In Depth
How ARP Works 80
The ARP Cache 81
Resolving Local Addresses 82
Resolving Remote Addresses 83
The ARP Frame Structure 85
The IP Helper Application Programming Interface 87
Network Monitor 87
Immediate Solutions
Using the Arp Utility 91
Installing Network Monitor 93
Capturing and Displaying Network Traffic 94
Filtering the Network Monitor Display by Protocol 97
Filtering the Network Monitor Display by Protocol Property 97
Filtering the Network Monitor Display by Address 99
Modifying the Display Filter Decision Tree 100
Implementing a Capture Filter 101
Setting a Capture Trigger 103
Chapter 4
Internet Protocol 105
In Depth
The IP Datagram 107
Routing 110
Static Routing 114
RIP 116
OSPF 121
Event Logging 126
Duplicate IP Address Detection 126
Multihoming 127
IP Multicasting 128
IP over ATM 130
Immediate Solutions
Deploying Static Routing 132
Adding a Static Route Using the Route Command 133
Adding a Static Route Using the RRAS Snap-In 133
Viewing a Routing Table 134
Deploying RIP 134
Adding the RIPv2 Routing Protocol 134
Adding a RIP Interface 135
Configuring RIP 135
Accessing the Interface Properties Dialog Box 135
Configuring a RIP Interface 136
Configuring Authentication 137
Enabling Auto-Static Routes 137
Adding Route Filters 137
Adding Peer Filters 138
Setting Timers for Periodic Update 138
Enabling Split-Horizon Processing 138
Enabling Poison-Reverse Processing 139
Adding Unicast Neighbors 139
Testing the RIP Configuration 139
Viewing RIP Neighbors 140
Enabling Silent RIP 140
Adding the OSPF Routing Protocol 140
Configuring OSPF 141
Configuring OSPF Global Settings 141
Accessing the OSPF Properties Dialog Box 141
Creating an OSPF Area 142
Specifying Ranges for an OSPF Area 142
Configuring an ASBR 143
Adding a Virtual Interface 143
Configuring OSPF Interface Settings 144
Adding an Interface to OSPF 144
Accessing the OSPF Interface Properties Dialog Box 144
Verifying That OSPF Is Enabled 145
Configuring an OSPF Interface 145
Configuring the Hello and Dead Intervals 146
Adding an OSPF Neighbor 146
Testing the OSPF Configuration 147
Viewing OSPF Neighbors 147
Using Network Shell Routing Commands 148
Installing the ATM ARP/MARS Service 148
Configuring an Advanced TCP/IP-over-ATM Connection 149
Chapter 5
Internet Protocol Addressing 151
In Depth
IP Addresses 152
The Subnet Mask 154
Subnetting 155
Variable Length Subnet Masks 159
Classless Interdomain Routing 163
Supernetting 164
Address Allocation for Private Intranets 166
IPv4 Address Space Exhaustion 167
Immediate Solutions
Building a Subnet Chart 169
Working Out the Subnet Mask 169
Calculating the Number of Subnets 170
Calculating the Increment 171
Calculating the Number of Hosts per Subnet 171
Subnetting a Class A Network 172
Subnetting a Class B Network 173
Subnetting a Class C Network 174
Subnetting a VLSM Segment 175
Supernetting Class C Networks 175
Chapter 6
Internet Layer Maintenance and Group Protocols 177
In Depth
Internet Control Message Protocol 178
ICMP Messages 180
ICMP Router Discovery 186
The ICMP Command-Line Utilities 188
IGMP and Multicasting 190
Immediate Solutions
Enabling ICMP Router Discovery 196
Configuring IP Multicast Support 196
Adding and Configuring the IGMP Routing Protocol 197
Adding the IGMP Routing Protocol 197
Enabling IGMP Router Mode on the Internal Connection 198
Enabling IGMP Proxy Mode on the Permanent Internet Connection 198
Configuring IGMP Router Settings 198
Specifying a Multicast Scope 199
Configuring Multicast Boundaries 200
Configuring Multicast Heartbeat 200
Using Network Shell Routing Commands 201
Chapter 7
Internet Protocol Security 203
In Depth
IPSec Features 204
Security Associations 206
Monitoring IPSec Packets 208
Immediate Solutions
Analyzing IPSec Operation 211
Specifying IPSec Settings 212
Configuring IPSec on Individual Computers 215
Testing the IPSec Configuration 218
Removing the IPSec Assignment 219
Configuring IPSec for a Domain 219
Testing Domain IPSec Policy 220
Capturing IPSec Traffic 221
Changing the Security Method 222
Configuring IPSec for an OU 223
Setting IPSec Policies 224
Chapter 8
Transmission Control Protocol 225
In Depth
Standard TCP Features and Operation 226
Microsoft Enhanced TCP 236
TCP/IP Utilities and Services 246
Immediate Solutions
Capturing TCP Traffic 249
Configuring Windows 2000 TCP 250
Setting TCP Receive Window Size 250
Enabling the Window Scale Option and Timestamps 251
Adjusting the Delayed Acknowledgment Timer 252
Disabling Selective Acknowledgment 253
Enabling Black Hole Router Discovery 253
Disabling Path Maximum Transmission Unit Discovery 253
Configuring TCP Retransmission Behavior 253
Configuring TCP Keep-Alives and the TIME-WAIT Delay 254
Discovering the PMTU Manually 255
Installing Simple TCP/IP Services 256
Chapter 9
User Datagram Protocol and Quality of Service 257
In Depth
User Datagram Protocol 258
Real-Time Multimedia Protocols 261
Quality of Service 265
QoS Admission Control 270
Implementing QoS Admission Control 272
QoS Admission Control Logging 274
Immediate Solutions
Capturing UDP Traffic 278
Installing QoS Admission Control 279
Creating and Configuring Subnets 279
Creating a QoS Admission Control Subnet 279
Configuring Traffic Properties 280
Configuring Servers 282
Configuring Logging Properties 283
Configuring Accounting Properties 285
Configuring Advanced Properties 286
Installing QoS Packet Scheduler 287
Chapter 10
Application Level Protocols and Utilities 289
In Depth
File Transport Protocol 290
Trivial File Transfer Protocol 293
Hypertext Transfer Protocol 297
Simple Mail Transport Protocol 301
Post Office Protocol 304
Network News Transfer Protocol 306
Telnet 308
The Windows 2000 Connectivity Utilities 310
Immediate Solutions
Transferring Files Using the FTP Utility 320
Binding an Additional IP Address to an NIC 320
Creating an FTP Site 320
Transferring Files to and from an FTP Client 322
Using SSL3 to Secure a Web Site 324
Starting and Stopping Telnet Server 326
Using the Computer Management Tool 326
Using the Command Prompt 326
Configuring the Telnet Service 326
Using Telnet Client 327
Using TCP/IP Printing 328
Installing Print Services for Unix 329
Connecting to a TCP/IP Printer on Your Subnet 329
Connecting to a TCP/IP Printer by Adding an LPR Port 330
Installing a TCP/IP Printer on a Windows 2000 Print Server 331
Chapter 11
Kerberos 5 333
In Depth
Shared Secrets Authentication 336
Using a Key Distribution Center 338
Kerberos 5 Subprotocols 342
Logon Authentication 345
Kerberos 5 Tickets 352
Delegation of Authentication 354
The Security Support Provider 356
Immediate Solutions
Configuring Kerberos 5 Domain Policy 359
Using the Security Support Provider Interface 360
Chapter 12
Internet Information Services 363
In Depth
New Features and Improvements 364
Security 365
Performance and Reliability 373
Management 378
File Management 386
Application Development 388
Immediate Solutions
Installing a Certification Authority 392
Creating an IIS Snap-in Tool 394
Obtaining a Certificate for a Web Site 395
Adding a Virtual Directory 396
Setting Web Server Permissions 398
Adding and Removing Web Site Operators 399
Adding a Web Site Operator 399
Removing a Web Site Operator 399
Tracking Processor Use 400
Backing Up and Restoring IIS Configuration 400
Backing Up IIS Configuration 400
Restoring IIS Configuration 401
Restoring IIS Configuration after Reinstalling IIS 401
Adding a Custom Error Message 402
Customizing an Error Message by Mapping to a File 402
Customizing an Error Message by Mapping to a URL 403
Creating a Publishing Directory 404
Publishing Files on a WebDAV Directory 405
Publishing through Windows 2000 405
Publishing through IE5 406
Publishing through Office 2000 406
Chapter 13
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 407
In Depth
The DHCP Myths 408
DHCP Address Allocation 409
Windows 2000 Enhancements 414
DHCP Terminology 421
Deploying DHCP 422
DHCP Options 425
Immediate Solutions
Installing and Authorizing DHCP 427
Authorizing a DHCP Server in Active Directory 428
Disabling Service Bindings 429
Delegating DHCP Administration 430
Adding DHCP Users 430
Adding DHCP Administrators 431
Creating and Configuring a DHCP Scope 431
Enabling DDNS Updates 434
Reconciling the DHCP Database 434
Adding a Client Reservation 434
Enabling Address Conflict Detection 435
Creating a Superscope 436
Adding Scopes to a Superscope 437
Creating a Multicast Scope 437
Setting a Multicast Scope Lifetime 438
Configuring and Managing Options 439
Specifying Server, Scope, or Reserved Client Options 439
Adding a New User or Vendor Class 441
Adding an Option 441
Administering Client Leases 442
Viewing and Deleting Leases at a Server 442
Viewing, Releasing, and Renewing a Lease at a Client 443
Adding and Viewing Class ID Information at a Client 443
Monitoring DHCP Server Statistics 444
Administering DHCP Server from the Command Console 444
Chapter 14
The Domain Name System 447
In Depth
Windows 2000 DNS Compatibility 448
The Domain Name Space 449
The DNS Database 451
Windows 2000 Enhancements 462
Interoperability 475
Immediate Solutions
Installing and Configuring DNS 477
Installing DNS 477
Configuring a Newly Installed DNS Name Server 477
Adding a Secondary DNS Server for an Existing Zone 478
Adding a New Zone 479
Installing a Caching-Only DNS Server 479
Configuring a DNS Server to Use a Forwarder 480
Delegating DNS Administration 480
Adding Accounts to the DnsUpdateProxy Group 481
Configuring and Managing Zones 481
Modifying Zone Properties 482
Creating a Delegated Zone 484
Initiating a Zone Transfer Manually 485
Adding a Domain to a Zone 485
Adding Records to a Zone 486
Adding a Host Record 486
Adding an Alias 487
Adding a Mail Exchanger Record 487
Adding a Pointer Record 488
Adding Additional Resource Records 488
Administering a Client from the Command Console 489
Chapter 15
The Windows Internet Name Service 491
In Depth
NetBIOS 492
WINS Components 496
WINS Replication 498
WINS Name Registration and Resolution 502
Enabling WAN Browsing Using WINS 504
Locating DCs Using WINS 506
Windows 2000 Enhancements 506
Immediate Solutions
Installing WINS 512
Managing WINS Servers 512
Adding, Stopping, Starting, and Pausing a WINS Server 513
Decommissioning a WINS Server 513
Modifying Server Properties 514
Viewing and Resetting Statistics 515
Viewing Console Data and Exporting It to a Text File 515
Configuring WINS Clients 516
Configuring WINS for Non-DHCP Clients 516
Configuring WINS for DHCP Clients 517
Verifying WINS Registration 518
Disabling WINS/NetBT Name Resolution on Non-DHCP Clients 519
Disabling WINS/NetBT Name Resolution through DHCP 519
Administering the WINS Database 520
Implementing and Configuring WINS Replication 522
Configuring Server Replication 522
Adding and Configuring a Replication Partner 523
Deleting a Replication Partner 524
Triggering Replication Manually 525
Using Static Mappings 525
Administering WINS from the Command Console 526
Using the Network Shell Utility 527
Stopping, Starting, Pausing, and Resuming WINS 527
Chapter 16
The Remote Access Service 529
In Depth
RAS Concepts 530
RAS Security 538
Dial-up Connections 544
Virtual Private Networks 547
Immediate Solutions
Enabling RRAS 559
Enabling RRAS for a RAS Dial-in Server 559
Enabling RRAS for a VPN Server 561
Configuring an RRAS Server 562
Configuring a RAS Client 564
Organizing Remote Access User Accounts 566
Creating a Router-to-Router VPN Connection 568
Creating a Router-to-Router RAS Policy 568
Enabling Mutual Authentication 569
Obtaining a Computer Certificate Automatically 570
Adding L2TP and PPTP Ports 571
Setting Up a RADIUS Client 571
Using the Network Shell Utility 572
Chapter 17
The Transport Driver Interface 573
In Depth
TDI Components and Features 574
TDI File Objects 577
TDI Device Objects 580
Transport Driver Routines 582
TDI Routines, Macros, and Callbacks 584
TDI Operations 603
Immediate Solutions
Installing Network Protocols 610
Configuring Bindings 611
Using the Windows 2000 Driver Development Kit 612
Installing the Driver Development Kit 612
Building Drivers 615
Verifying Drivers 618
Debugging Drivers 621
Chapter 18
Network Application Interfaces 625
In Depth
The NetBIOS Interface 626
The Winsock Interface 631
New Features in Winsock2 634
Winsock Helper DLLs 645
Immediate Solutions
Installing the Microsoft Platform SDK 649
Using the Platform SDK Tools 651
Using WinDiff 651
Using Spy 652
Using the Running Object Table Viewer 652
Using Process Walker 653
Using Process Viewer 654
Using the PStat Tool 655
Using the OLE/COM Object Viewer 655
Creating Dialog Boxes, Images, and Help Files 656
Installing and Using HTML Help Workshop 656
Using Heap Walker 657
Using Dependency Walker 657
Using DDESpy 659
Using the Debug Monitor 659
Viewing Clipboard Content Information 659
Using the Windows Debugger 660
Obtaining Details of All Platform SDK Tools 660
Using the Windows 2000 Driver Development Kit 660
Configuring a WSH DLL 661
Chapter 19
Network Management and Troubleshooting 663
In Depth
Simple Network Management Protocol 664
Event Viewer 671
The Performance Logs and Alerts Tool 675
System Monitor 676
Configuring Monitoring 677
Network Monitor 681
Command-Line Tools 681
Registry Editor 692
Immediate Solutions
Installing SNMP 694
Configuring SNMP 694
Configuring an SNMP Agent 694
Configuring Traps 695
Configuring Security 696
Starting or Stopping the SNMP Service 697
Defining and Implementing an Audit Policy 698
Defining an Audit Policy 698
Implementing an Object Access Audit Policy 699
Using Event Viewer 701
Recovering from a Full-Security-Log System Halt 703
Enabling Network Segment Counters 703
Changing Account Properties for the Performance Logs and Alerts Service 704
Creating and Viewing a Counter Log 704
Creating a Counter Log 705
Viewing a Counter Log 706
Defining Alerts 707
Monitoring Real-Time Performance Data 708
Installing and Using Network Monitor 708
Using the Command-Line Tools 709
Chapter 20
Internet Protocol Version 6 711
In Depth
Issues Addressed by IPv6 712
IPv6 Addressing 714
IPv6 Packet Structure 725
ICMPv6 731
Neighbor Discovery 734
Multicast Listener Discovery 744
Address Autoconfiguration 745
IPv6 and the Domain Name System 748
Immediate Solutions
Downloading and Installing Microsoft IPv6 749
Downloading IPv6 749
Installing IPv6 750
Using the IPv6 Command-Line Tools 750
Checking a Connection between Two Link-Local Hosts 751
Setting Interface Attributes 752
Displaying and Amending Cache and Table Information 752
Implementing IPv6 to IPv4 Configuration 753
Configuring IPSec Policies and Security Associations 754
Adding an IPv6 Address Record in DNS 755
Appendix A
TCP/IP Configuration Parameters 757
Appendix B
NetBIOS over TCP/IP Configuration Parameters 795
Appendix C
Winsock and DNS Registry Parameters 809
Appendix D
The Network Shell Utility 823
Glossary 839
Index 871
L'auteur - Ian McLean
Ian McLean : MCITP, MCSE, MCT, il a 40 ans d'expérience en tant qu'auteur, consultant et formateur. Il a écrit 21 livres, dont plusieurs kits de formation Microsoft Press pour Windows Server, Windows Vista, Microsoft Exchange Server et SQL Server.
Caractéristiques techniques
Éditeur(s) | Coriolis |
Auteur(s) | Ian McLean |
Parution | 15/09/2000 |
Nb. de pages | 903 |
Format | 18,7 x 23,4 |
Couverture | Broché |
Poids | 1569g |
Intérieur | Noir et Blanc |
EAN13 | 9781576106877 |
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