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Brain Lesion Localization and Developmental Functions
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Brain Lesion Localization and Developmental Functions

Brain Lesion Localization and Developmental Functions

Frontal lobes - Limbic system - Visuocognitive system

Daria Riva, Charles Njiokiktjien, Sara Bulgheroni - Collection Mariani Foudation Paediatric Neurology

280 pages, parution le 01/03/2012


The aim of this publication is to demonstrate the effect of the neural networks on cognitive functions and behavioural patterns during the development phase of a child.

Taking as a basis the previous publication in this series dedicated to brain lesion localization and development, this time it is by examining in particular the frontal lobe, limbic system (hippocampus and amygdala) and visuo-cognitive system that this book looks at the close links between the neural networks and the future development of visual, cognitive and functional capacities.

The section on the frontal lobe concentrates on anatomy, mirror neurons, memory, executive functions, the neuropsychology of frontal lobe epilepsy and the resolution of social problems which can occur as a result of brain damage.

The part on the limbic system looks at neuro-anatomical organisation and the core functions of the hippocampus and amygdala, problems of language, music, emotions or autism.

Finally, the section dedicated to the visuo-cognitive system summarises the visual field problems associated with focal lesions, the correlation with neuro-imagery and visual impairment in children born prematurely.

L'auteur - Daria Riva

Autres livres de Daria Riva

L'auteur - Charles Njiokiktjien

Autres livres de Charles Njiokiktjien

L'auteur - Sara Bulgheroni

Autres livres de Sara Bulgheroni


  • Higher cognitive function processing in developmental age: specialized areas, connections and distributed networks
  • Frontal lobes
    • Frontal lobes: anatomy, connections and functions
    • Role of the parieto-frontal mirror system
    • Memory and frontal lobe in typical and atypical development
    • Development of executive function
    • Neuropsychology of epilepsies involving the frontal lobe in children
    • Social problem solving after traumatic brain injury in children
    • The role of phonological working memory in specific language impairment
  • Limbic system
    • Neuroanatomic organization and fundamental functions of the hippocampus and amygdale
    • Early hippocampal disease and memory disorders
    • Language disorders in children with morphologic abnormalities of the hippocampus
    • Hippocampus, neurotrophic factors, and depression: possible targets for antidepressant medication
    • The role of the hippocampus in neural mechanisms of attachment and attachment disorders: a review
    • Music, emotions and the limbic system
    • The amygdala and the pathophysiology of autism
    • Long-term neurobiologic impact of extreme early institutional deprivation in the English and Romanian Adoptees study: initial findings and future plans
  • Visuocognitive system
    • Visual field defects and visual search abilities in children with focal brain lesions
    • Neurophysiologic and behavioural aspects of visual assessment: correlation with neuroimaging
    • Linked brain development for vision, visual attention and visual cognition in typical development and in developmental disorders
    • Visuocognitive and visual disorders in children born preterm
Voir tout

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) John Libbey
Auteur(s) Daria Riva, Charles Njiokiktjien, Sara Bulgheroni
Collection Mariani Foudation Paediatric Neurology
Parution 01/03/2012
Nb. de pages 280
Format 18 x 25
Couverture Relié
Poids 720g
Intérieur Quadri
EAN13 9782742008254
ISBN13 978-2-7420-0825-4


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