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Feynman Lectures on Gravitation
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Feynman Lectures on Gravitation

Feynman Lectures on Gravitation

Richard Phillips Feynman, Fernando B. Morinigo, William G. Wagner

232 pages, parution le 29/07/2002


"It is evident that, already in the 1960s, Feynman recognized the need for new fundamental principles of physics that would provide a prescription for the initial conditions of the universe. Early in these lectures, he digresses on the foundations of statistical mechanics so as to express his conviction that the second law of thermodynamics must have a cosmological origin. . . . Thus, Feynman seems to anticipate the fascination with quantum cosmology that began to grip a segment of the physics community some twenty years later."
John Preskitt and Kip S. Thorne (from the Foreword)

The Feynman Lectures on Gravitation are based on notes prepared during a course on gravitational physics that Richard Feynman taught at Caltech during the 1962-63 academic year. For several years prior to these lectures, Feynman thought long and hard about the fundamental problems in gravitational physics, yet he published very little. These lectures represent a useful record of his viewpoints and some of his insights into gravity and its application to cosmology, superstars, wormholes, and gravitational waves at that particular time. The lectures also contain a number of fascinating digressions and asides on the foundations of physics and other issues.

Characteristically, Feynman took an untraditional non-geometric approach to gravitation and general relativity based on the underlying quantum aspects of gravity. Hence, these lectures contain a unique pedagogical account of the development of Einstein's general theory of relativity as the inevitable result of the demand for a self-consistent theory of a massless spin-2 field (the graviton) coupled to the energy-momentum tensor of matter. This approach also demonstrates the intimate and fundamental connection between gauge invariance and the principle of equivalence.

The late Richard P. Feynman was Richard Chace Tolman Professor of Theoretical Physics at the California Institute of Technology. Feynman made many fundamental contributions to physics, particularly to the fields of quantum electrodynamics, quantum field theory, and particle physics. He is best known for the development of Feynman diagrams and path integrals. Feynman shared the Nobel prize in physics in 1965 for his work on quantum electrodynamics.

L'auteur - Richard Phillips Feynman

Richard Phillips Feynman (1918- 1988) est l'un des physiciens les plus influents de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle, en raison notamment de ses travaux sur l'électrodynamique quantique relativiste, récompensés en 1965 par le prix Nobel de physique. Il est fauteur de nombreux ouvrages dont les célèbres Cours de physique qui ont été traduits en une douzaine de langues et se sont vendus par millions d'exemplaires dans le monde entier.

Autres livres de Richard Phillips Feynman


  • Foreword
  • Quantum Gravity
  • Lecture 1
  • Lecture 2
  • Lecture 3
  • Lecture 4
  • Lecture 5
  • Lecture 6
  • Lecture 7
  • Lecture 8
  • Lecture 9
  • Lecture 10
  • Lecture 11
  • Lecture 12
  • Lecture 13
  • Bibliography
  • Index
Voir tout

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Westview
Auteur(s) Richard Phillips Feynman, Fernando B. Morinigo, William G. Wagner
Parution 29/07/2002
Nb. de pages 232
Format 15 x 22,5
Couverture Broché
Poids 377g
Intérieur Noir et Blanc
EAN13 9780813340388
ISBN13 978-0-8133-4038-8


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